Wednesday 8 April 2015

Find The Affordable Health Insurance For Kids

If your kids are among them because you can't afford adequate coverage or your employer-sponsored plan doesn't cover everything, don't despair. Programs are available that provide affordable even free medical care and are designed to meet or supplement a person's medical insurance needs.Your kids could be eligible for coverage right now and you might not know it. Here are some options that may be available to your family.

There are many parents today who are unable to get insurance for their children through their work group plan. Whether their employer doesn't offer it or if it's just to expensive, we can help you find affordable health insurance for your children. We work with some of the top providers in the country who specialize in child only health insurance.                                                                

If you are considering child health insurance, you may also want to consider a health savings account. These accounts typically have very rich preventive care with high deductibles and, in certain cases, 100% coverage after the deductible is met. This also offers a great savings vehicle if there is additional money to save for a large expense down the road. The Tonik health plans by Anthem are very popular options for child health insurance

Apple Health insurance 

Apple Health for Kids (Children's Medicaid) is affordable health insurance offered by the State for children in Washington. Washington Apple Health  for Kids provides medical, dental, vision and mental health benefits to children under age 19. There are no deductibles or co-pays. The insurance is free or low cost depending on your family’s gross monthly income and is available to both citizen and non-citizen children.

Medicaid Health insurance 

Low-income families can find affordable health insurance for their children through Medicaid. Although the federal government provides funds and sets guidelines, the Medicaid program is administered through the states. State eligibility criteria vary, but in general, all families under the federal poverty level as established each year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will qualify. In addition to income factors, a child may be eligible for Medicaid if he is disabled. Any family whose children are uninsured and in need of medical services should apply for Medicaid to find out if they are eligible for coverage.

Chip Health insurance 

Chip is a program funded by the federal government that each state administers. It provides health benefits coverage for American kids under age 19 in working families who qualify based on their parents' income. CHIP is often helpful for families with incomes too high for Medicaid, but who are still having a hard time affording health insurance.

Private Insurer

The majority of kids from low- or middle-income families will qualify for free or low-cost health care through Medicaid and/or CHIP. But now, through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, many privately run health insurance companies will offer similar benefits.

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